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Montag, 11. April 2011

DVD Aktion aus Amerika (We are Change)

Hier eine gelungene DVD-Aktion aus Amerika (We are Change San Antonio). Der Titel des Videos sagt: Gratis DVDs zu verteilen sei ein Verbrechen (was es natürlich nicht ist!), schaut euch an was passierte:

Englische Beschreibung: We Are Change San Antonio - May 2010 First Friday. Handing out FREE DVD documentarys is what WAC SA does best. However there are some Authority figures that think its a crime. Watch how, time after time, WAC SA is targeted by Constitutionally Illiterate Authority figures.
We will not stop spreading information. We will not stop exercising our rights.
We will not stop trying to wake up the American people to the current world wide move toward a Global Governance, a New World Order.
We ask questions.
We spread truth.
We are the people.
We are sovereign.
We are change.

Get active, We Are Change has 200 chapters around the world:

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